The producers of the Simpsons Movie have started a contest, in which every city in American that is called Springfield can compete for the title of being the real Simpsons Springfield. To compete, they have to make a short film showing how much their city is like the Springfield from the series, with the winning city receiving a free advance premiere of the movie. Apparently, no less than 16 Springfields have entered the contest, with one Springfield turning their nose at the contest (17 cities with the same name? Talk about a lack of inspiration!). "Everything the fictitious Springfield is, we're not," said Mac TIlberg, City Manager for Springfield Minnesota. "We're a clean, close-knit community. There's no pollution, no waste dumps, nobody misbehaving all the time. And we don't want to be made a parody of." I'm guessing they are taking things a bit too seriously, but at least this leaves the sixteen other Springfields with a bigger chance of winning this thing.