It seems that fans of the His Dark Materials books have nothing to worry about. The movie version of their favorite series of books is well underway, and author Philip Pullman has given his nod of approval. "I think it`s going to be - at the very least - spectacular," Pulman said on his personal website, and when the author of the book you are making a movie of is giving you his nod of approval, you know you are on to something good.
Whenever an announcement is made that Hollywood is going to make another book-based movie, fans of that book are flushed by mixed emotions. On one hand: It's cool! You will see the book that you love so much being brought to life, and with all the insane amounts of money that Hollywood throws at these things, you know that at the very least you are in for something spectacular. Plus, you will find that your friends, that normally don't read books, and who look at you with a look of "here we go again" when you tell them how wonderful the book is, will suddenly be more interested in what you have to say when Hollywood has started bombarding them with their usual hype. But then there's the bad things...