According to Aint It Cool News, Iron Man just became a whole lot cooler. The site has given us the news (which they report as news, and not just as a rumor) that Samuel L. Jackson will have a small role in the movie, as another superhero called Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD. Even cooler is that Marvel is using this to introduce the character for the upcoming Avengers movie. Whoa! So I guess that means Robert Downey's Iron Man will also be in the Avengers, or am I jumping to conclusions here? Anyway, cool that Jackson is adding another superhero role to his repertoire, as he is already involved with The Spirit, did the voice of animated hero Frozone in The Incredibles, and showed his bad side in Unbreakable. As you may recall, David Hasselhof once played the lead in a direct to video Nick Fury movie, but I guess they couldn't get him for this movie...
Read more: Superpowered