For his second movie, Bruce Wayne will upgrade his batsuit, turning it into an outfit that is a bit sleeker and more powerful. Hopefully for Bale it's also a bit lighter than the earlier suit, since the actor was already complaining that he worries about wearing the suit in the expected Chicago heat. For a first look at the suit, click the link, which will take you to JoBlo, where they have a scan of a magazine with the first ever pic of the new suit.
Read more: The Dark Knight
I guess at least it doesn't have nipples. But really, did it need changing at all? I understand the cowl issue with restricted head movements but everything else could have been kept the same, surely?
There's also a nice site that's showing off the new Joker car, which is quite interesting:
Posted by: Ryan James | June 16, 2007 at 02:39 PM