There's so much Batman-news flying about that you'd think the movie is already coming out this summer. Of course, this is not the case, we will have to wait until next summer for The Dark Knight to hit theaters, and so all this information we are getting feels a little bit like Warner Bros teasing us. Then again, would I say no to these little nuggets of information, if I had the choice? Um, no of course not!
And so I present you with a link to two pictures of the new Bat-Cycle, or Batpod as it will be called. It looks pretty bad-ass, not the type of thing you expect to see driving around the streets of your neighbourhood, and it's not likely that we will ever see anything like this on the market. It has the same rugged look as the Batmobile, and I'm guessing that Batman will be doing a lot cruising around over rooftops with it. The production designers for Batman made six Batpods for the movie, just in case one of the stuntmen accidentally crashes one of these babies. Not that this is very likely to happen, since there is only one stuntman who is allowed to ride this thing, Frenchman Jean-Pierre Goy, who has been training for months to get to grips with the thing.
The batpod is so unbelievable that not even the designer of the thing can fully grasp the fact that they were allowed to build it. "I thought there was no chance we'd actually achieve it," Chris Corbould, the man who built the Batpod to a design by Nathan Crowley, told the LA Times. "[Director] Chris Nolan and Nathan went for the look of it rather than thinking about the mechanics. That was the biggest challenge: Get their vision, but make it work and perform."
Read more: The Dark Knight