Whenever comics convention Comic-Con announces it's list of movie presentations, movie fans all over the world sit up and take notice. At the Comic-Con, we often get the first glimpses at brand new movies, sometimes with footage, and almost always with press conferences where the stars of the movies give up all sorts of juicy details. The list of movies announced for this summer's Comic-Con is pretty huge, almost making you start to wonder why they even call it a Comic-Con anymore, and not a Movie-Con. The list includes the following movies: Alien vs. Predator 2: No Peace On Earth, American Gangster, Beowulf, The Bourne Ultimatum, Coraline, Get Smart, The Golden Compass, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, I Am Legend, The Incredible Hulk, Indiana Jones 4, Iron Man, National Treasure 2, Speed Racer, Stardust, Star Trek XI and Sweeney Todd, with the chance of more being announced before the convention is held from 26 to 29 July.