Hollywood is becoming a little bit worried about it's high profile threequels. Because while Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Shrek 3 and Spider-Man 3 all opened huge, they have been losing visitors at an alarming rate. After only five weeks, the American weekend gross for Spider-Man 3 has sunk below $ 10 million, and even though the gross is still well past the $ 300 million, the final total for Spider-Man 3 won't come close to that of the earlier movies. Which is pretty bad if you consider that Spider-Man 3 broke the opening weekend record and grossed well above the opening weekend of the other two Spider-movies. Pirates 3 is still number 1 at the box office, but it lost 62.4 percent of its opening weekend audience, which, even for such a big blockbuster, is a huge percentage. And Shrek 3? It lost another 50 percent of its audience, rapidly eroding as well. Both Pirates and Shrek have passed the $ 200 million, and will probably also sail past $ 300 million, but even $ 350 million seems to be too far away, let alone the totals of previous installments. The reason? I'm guessing that bad word of mouth is really hurting these movies. Though the score of Pirates at IMDB is still a 7.5, it's going down by the week, while the other two movies are even below the 7. If the other threequels released this summer aren't much better than these three movies, then it doesn't bode well for the future of the big blockbuster threequel.