Writer Neil Gaiman has been in the news a lot lately. Yesterday I told you his upcoming novel Interworld will be made into a movie, his Stardust is hitting the big screen in August, he wrote the script for Beowulf, his Coraline is being turned into a stop motion movie, and there is word that he will direct the adaptation of his graphic novel Death: The High Cost Of Living himself. That's a lot of projects for just one writer, so MTV's Movie Blog had a lot to talk about when they spoke to him recently. And as you can see from the interview, Gaiman is a happy man.
He has been able to put all his projects with people who will do his original stories justice, and who aren't just interested in commercializing them. “I’ve learned to only let go if it’s to people you trust,” Gaiman told MTV when they asked him about the movie based on his children's story Coraline, “and I trust Henry Selick (being the man who made Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach). I’ve seen about 10 to 15 minutes of completed footage, and it’s lovely.” He also had plenty to say about Death: The High Cost of Living, though he's not sure Shia LaBeouf will still be involved with the movie, as was rumored earlier on. "Shia really wanted the part, and it’s not that he’s too big after ‘Transformers,’ or whether I could get him after he’s in the new ‘Indiana Jones,’ but he’s growing up fast. Can he pass for 17 for that much longer? That might have been just about it after ‘Transformers.’ He’s becoming an adult, but he’s one of ‘Death’s’ biggest supporters, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he were in it.”
To read the full interview, click the link!