This isn't really news, since it's something that has been doing the rumor rounds for some time already, but at least now it's official that Frank Miller is going to make his solo directing debut with a movie adaptation of The Spirit. The Spirit is a classic comic by legendary comic creator Will Eisner, about a man who fakes his own death so he can dissapear and become a superhero. The Spirit fights crime in Central City, most of all a villain called The Octopus, who is intent on killing everybody in the city. It's interesting that Miller would choose somebody else's comic to make his debut with, since it's his comics Sin City and 300 that have been turned into some of the best comic book movies ever. Miller was the co-director on Sin City, and is now ready to go at it alone. "Will was a dear friend, a mentor, and translating his vision to the screen will be a labor of love," he told Variety. Lionsgate is the studio that is going to back the movie in the US and the UK, while Miller will be at the filmfestival in Cannes to get the movie sold to the rest of the world.