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208 The World Championship has started!
Monday 12 June 2006 Months of anticipation are over, the World Championship has started! In case you belong to the five people on the planet who dont know what I am talking about, I'm of course referring to the World Championships Football in Germany. The Dutch team is one of the outsiders for the title, and yesterday they played their first game. After an anxious 90 minutes, we beat Serbia Montenegro 1-0, thanks to a great goal by the unstoppable Arjan Robben. It was not an easy game, mostly since it was extremely hot in the stadium, which ate away all the energy of the Dutch players, but I'm very happy with the victory nonetheless!
Im quite the football buff, so I'm sure most of my free time until 9 July will be spent watching the games. Whenever Holland is playing, we do this with a group of friends who are just as fanatical as I am, the other games I will watch alone (or with my wife, although she gets bored whenever there is a game like Poland - Ecuador, with teams without any big names and without any hope of winning the title). Does this mean I won't be watching any movies either? Probably not, although I am quite sure the number of movies I watch over the coming weeks will be significantly lower than usual ;)
03:47 PM in The Comic | Permalink
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Posted by: UGG Boots Canada | Sep 9, 2011 3:31:44 AM
Well, the goals against Ivory Coast were even better!
I can't believe I stayed up to 3:45am to watch the whole match...
Posted by: John Dekker | Jun 17, 2006 5:04:45 AM
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