I'm guessing that you have already read one or two other reviews for the third Spider-Man movie, since they are hard to miss nowadays. I'm also guessing that you got the general consensus, that Spider-Man 3 is a bit disappointing after the first two movies in this series. I would love to be the bringer of good news and tell you that all these other critics are wrong, and that Spider-Man 3 is in reality an amazing movie, where every dollar of it's reported $300 million budget shows. But sadly, I only bring more bad news. Because even though Spider-Man 3 is by no means a bad movie, it's also not as good as what we have seen before. Director Sam Raimi has tried too hard to make this third movie something extra special, but that hasn't turned out all that well, with the result that Spider-Man 3 is too long, with too many villains and too many emotional moments. Actually those emotional moments wouldn't have been that bad if they worked. But they don't.