For some time, I was really looking forward to Ghost Rider. I quite enjoyed director Mark Steven Johnson's Daredevil and hoped that he could use the experience from that movie to make this second one even better. When Nicholas Cage signed on for the lead role I got even more interested. Cage is an actor who is known for his passion for comics, besides which he has done some great stuff in movies like Face/Off and Leaving Las Vegas. But then the first images of Cage's character appeared on the net, and the first teaser trailer, and I felt my enthusiasm sink. Then the movie was released in the States and reviewers buried it beneath a mountain of criticism. While I have disagreed with general consensus among critics often in the past, everything they said sounded like it could very well be possible that this was indeed a total and utter crapfest. Then friends of mine started slagging it off, and I started considering not seeing this movie at all.