Last week there were some stirrings on the Net, as a Russian website hosted the first teaser trailer for the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Quite a feat, since the trailer is still being kept under wraps by Disney and thus the trailer quickly dissapeared again. It no doubt buckled under the pressure of 1) thousands of movie fans wanting to see it at the same time, and 2) Disney, who no doubt want to keep their teaser as secret as possible. However, now the teaser is back, this time at a website called What Would Tyler Durden Do, and if you want to see it, you better hurry up before it's gone from that site as well! It's worth the rush, because even though the visual quality is pretty bad, it's still a lot of fun to watch, showing quite a lot for a teaser trailer. It looks like another mix of comedy, adventure and some scary moments and the movie will no doubt become a big hit in the summer of next year. The funny thing about the teaser is that, at the beginning, it says something along the lines of: "In theaters this summer", meaning Disney's plan is probably to only unveil this teaser somewhere in the beginning of next year.