[movies] Ask your typical Scarlett Johansson fan (or any man with a pulse) in what type of movie they would like to see her someday, and chances are that there will be plenty of answers along the lines of 'some Amazon warrior type thing'. Well, all those people will be more than happy with the news that Johansson is indeed planning to act in a movie just like that. Apparently, during the shooting of The Island, Johansson has expressed an interest to be in a revealing gladiatrix-outfit (settle down) for the duration of a movie and the scriptwriters who were present immediately jumped at the opportunity. The plotline goes something along the lines of 'a gladiatrix from 200 BC exacts vengeance on an army that destroyed her homeland', but I'm guessing that just showing her on a poster in the type of outfit that Red Sonja used to wear is enough for a guarantee of long lines in front of the cinema on opening day. And not just men of course, because lets not forget that this will be a strong female character who takes no shit and who shows all the sexist men from her time that women can handle their own just as well. There: a good excuse to convince your girlfriend to join you on opening night.
Wsytiudh sjht toushsh ghruiyt...
Sorry, lost my ability to speak for a moment. What a great idea!
Posted by: Snacky | November 16, 2005 at 04:44 PM
Sounds a bit Xena to me
Posted by: Vyka | June 07, 2006 at 11:41 PM
Stinky feminists...
Posted by: Brad | November 22, 2006 at 08:15 PM
This would be amazing-Scarlett Johanssen performing Martial Arts on literally dozens of men,dressed nicely with her bare midriff and fabulous outfit!
Posted by: Ed Littler | November 01, 2009 at 01:50 PM